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The global economy gradually steps into the right path after the financial storm. And it becomes the consensus of all economies to change the development model. And China, undoubtedly, has become a focus for all investors.

Based on the data issued by China Ministry of Commerce on July 6th, the foreign investment in actual use in June of this year reaches 12.51 billion US dollars, with the increase of about 39.6%. It has been the 11th continuous increase for the foreign investment in actual use since last August. According to the above data, the agency like the foreign ministry of commerce raises much doubt on the investment environment of China, though, China remains the first choice of the foreign investors at present.

The policy of stimulating domestic demands in China has made obvious effect in 2008 and 2009. Taking the watch for an example, both the international brand and the domestic brand, has achieved over 30% market increase and 50% profit increase. The data are real, and the conditions beyond the data are gradually regulated market order and urbanized construction with high-speed development. Each businessman coming to China mainland can see the business opportunity for prosper in the second and third line cities, not lower than the first line cities. And the gradually changeing exchange rate, of necessity, causes the result that purchasing power in RMB is improved and import cost is decreased. In addition, the new adjustment on custom duty for import and export will be developed soon, which is also another focusing point that China moves towards the international. Except that there may be high export duty for the resource materials, there can be no turning back for the decrease of custom duty.

We can see that: The meaning of input increase of foreign capital in China has been different. In the past, the foreign capital focused on the manufacturing industry and industrial division of labor and the international brand was with eyes on the purchase from China and manufacture upon order. But now, the foreign capitals with multiple international group as the main forces almost all increase the attention and occupy on China market.


主办机构: 深圳市钟表行业协会


编委主任 :徐东升
高级顾问 :陶  立
编委成员 :朱舜华、马晓干、张益芝、侯庆海、林辉煌、詹西洲、林祥平、米长虹
总  编  辑 :朱舜华
协办机构 :深圳市钟表研究院

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