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Hong Kong , Japan , Singapore and Taiwan are all important watch and jewelry markets in Asia area. As the maintenance of developed commercial activities and flourishing tourism of those countries and places, the spending of luxury goods is upgrading constantly, especially Hong Kong, which has become the preferred destination for travelers who come from China Mainland to buy watches, jewelries and makeup. According to the Hong Kong Media, there are 8.66 million people from Mainland China to travel in Hong Kong from January to November this year. A manager of a watch store mentioned that the customers from Mainland China spent much money on high-price watches which took above 40 percent of total selling.

ARATS (Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits) and SEF (Straits Exchange Foundation) in Beijing signed "Across the Taiwan Strait on the mainland residents to Taiwan tourism agreement" on June 13, 2008. It is not very hard to think about that the similar situation will occur in Taiwan as well. That is as the permission takes place, numerous people from Mainland China will go to Taiwan . With the high quality shopping environment, the travelers will not be illiberality to buy their favorable products such as famous brand watches, makeup and handbags. As from the same culture and language background, it is easy for people from Mainland China and Taiwan identify with each other.

As the changing of travel conditions and lifestyle, the high rate tariffs make people who from Mainland China choose Hong Kong and Europe as their preferred places to buy the well-branding watches. On the other hand, the well-branding watch markets in Mainland China shows a window effect, that is, people go into the shop to ask the price without buying any watches. Furthermore, along with the upgrading of self-guide trip, it is easier and convenience for Mainland travelers to go to Hong Kong, and there will be an opportunity for Taiwan 's watch stores by governmental permission which allows Mainland travelers to come. Recently, many famous-brand watch companies have established their showrooms in prosperity places in Taipei and choose the famous artists as their image models. All of those are showing that Taiwan is ready for receiving the travelers form Mainland China . Although the economic of Mainland China has been affected by the global financial crisis, the trip to Taiwan is still popular between people from Mainland China , and buying luxury products will be their inevitable experience.

It can be said that the increasing interactivity among Hong Kong , Taiwan and Mainland China has speed up the formation of a new commercial pattern in which the Asian famous-brand watch markets will develop more evenly and new competition strategy will be rising in the meanwhile.



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