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It is indicated by the data from issues BCCI (China Bankcard Consumer Confidence Index) issued by China Unionpay on December, 2010 that the rising income of cardholder, and holidays of the Christmas and New Year have driven the increase of the general consumption, and motivated the rise of BCCI.

Compared with the unnecessary means of livelihood consumer expenditure in November, the cardholder of sample BCCI has increased by 12.4% in catering industry, entertainment, jewelry, general merchandise. The better that macro-economy situation and personal income comes out, the more optimism of the prosperity economy situation and incomes will be.

It is predicted by the critic of finance in Hong Kong that thejewel retail sales of Hong Kong and mainland of China will be continuously higher than the increase of overall retail sales. The personal income level of second-tier city of China is getting closer to the lowest level of jewel consumption. After the boom of housing and car consumption, jewel will be the next consumption hot spot of mainland residents in China.

Actually, the "deluxe consumption" in China has changed.The riches purchase high-price commodity turns into the common consumers need superior quality products. The salariat once consumed the high price products has become mature, and are more likely to experience the special products that express their character and taste. However, Chinese market doesn't come up with the requirement of the consumers, except some luxury products. The consumers require more delicate brands which is designed uniquely and unmatched. Under the influence of the internet upon young consumers in China, they run for the scientific progress and distinctiveness like some potential consumers in many other areas in the world, and they are enthusiastic about the passionate culture.

Some new brands come into my mind, such as Greubel Forsey, Christope Claret, Quiniting, Valbray, Hautlence, Rebellion etc. They represent the sustainable sprit of watch industry in BaselWorld, SIHH and GTE. Not only do they stand for the rising power of Switzerland manufacture, but also they show the model and confidence to the people who are likely to create in the whole world. Meanwhile, market spaces of these brands are infinite.

China watch brand take its debut in Hall One, Basel World, which indicates the international trends of China watch and the international lifestyle melting into the China gradually. We appreciate the culture communication between east and west.


主办机构: 深圳市钟表行业协会


编委主任 :徐东升
高级顾问 :陶  立
编委成员 :朱舜华、马晓干、张益芝、侯庆海、林辉煌、詹西洲、林祥平、米长虹
总  编  辑 :朱舜华
协办机构 :深圳市钟表研究院

执行主编 :杨景雯
编        辑 :谢    柔
美术编辑 :马晓亮
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