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With Olympic Games , Chinese Products go to a height
This is the second special edition of Shenzhen Watch & Clock in English this year. The issue is particular to exchange trade information and present the situation of China timepiece industry to exhibitors and buyers during Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair.
Bird Nest ,Water Cube and grand Opening Ceremony are embodied China’s opening up and progress. The Beijing Olympic Games’ Opening Ceremony eventually let worldwide people admit high quality products that show by China.
Looking back to 2008, China faced various challenges that are disaster, bankrupt and unemployment. However, it is the depression of the year, in Wenzhou, Dongguan, Yiwu, Shishi, Shenzhen …, plenty of processing trade enterprises are shaking unstably, while some oversea buyers cannot buy those goods that only is as low price as raw material cost.
It was so sad to see that a great number of small companies fell down like Domino from January to July. It seems like a untimely dead young girl who use out youth never recovery. Those disappeared products are not fully low-quality seconds. In addition to the financial and policies problems, the more reasons are that they are cornered by the wrong mode of competition. Many companies took the cost competitive express from the beginning. They haven’t time to take a breather, even not pay more attention to their development, and the fatal weaknesses are continual cumulated.
For timepiece industry, a new threshold was born. It not only include essential labor and equipment, but also the management and R&D and the strength of refusing low-price competitive. We could see that there are still many companies’ unceasing order at this difficult moment. Also the enterprises spent 10 million on advanced equipment to improve the quality of products. The thing is, the whole industry chain enter to integration phase again. Under the major industrialized production, the various subdivision links are stepping into manufacturing group. For instance, watch blank, watch case and watch band, which are the parts with original division and cooperation, become the same company’s products. Intensive production will control the raw material, quality, sales and the cost successfully. Innovation, technology, design and brand will become the continued competitiveness of the enterprises gradually.
  No matter how, we must consider optimistically that the stronger will remain in this rainstorm for timepiece industry. And China manufacturing is going to indicate a kind of attitude ------ non- profit order will not be accepted.



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